2005.7 -现在:香港中文大学,系统工程系,教授
关键词搜索(Keyword Search in Databases)、图数据库(Graph Database)、图挖掘(Graph Mining)、社会网络(Social Networks)
1. “DBMS Power-Up: Support Advanced Large Graph-Based Applications”, RGC Earmarked Grant, HK$1,032,000, Jeffrey Xu Yu (项目主持人).
2. “Service Oriented e-Transaction Platform”, ITF project, David Cheung (项目主持人), Jeffrey Xu Yu (项目合作主持人) HK$9,200,000.
3. “Computing Order Statistics over Data Streams”, Xuemin Lin (项目主持人), Xiaofang Zhou and Jeffrey Xu Yu, ARC (Australian Research Council), AU$320K.
4. Recursive XML Query Processing”, RGC Earmarked Grant, HK$692,480, Jeffrey Xu Yu (项目主持人).
5. “Tracking and Digesting Global Financial Information fromWeb”, the Special Equipment Grant, HK$380,560, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jeffrey Xu Yu and Shuzhong Zhang.
6. “Automated Data Mining for Hot Bundle Analysis and Inventory Control”, RTAO ITF Grant, HK$1,413,000, Ada Fu (项目主持人) and Jeffrey Xu Yu.
7. “E-eyes on Global Financial Information: Tracking, Monitoring, and Digesting”, the Special Equipment Grant, HK$300,000, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jeffrey Xu Yu and Shuzhong Zhang.
8. “Continuously Financial Data Stream Analyzing and Mining”, the Special Equipment Grant, HK$300,000, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jeffrey Xu Yu and Shuzhong Zhang.
9. “Long Bio-Sequence Analyzing and Mining from a Database Perspective”, RGC Direct Grant, HK$135,000, Jeffrey Xu Yu (项目主持人).
James Cheng, Yiping Ke, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, and Jeffrey Xu Yu: "Fast graph query processing with a low-cost index", Vol. 20, No. 4, VLDB Journal, 2011.
Jiannan Wang, Guoliang Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, and Jianhua Feng: "Entity Matching: How Similar Is Similar", Vol. 4, No. 10, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) , 2011.
Jun Gao, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Ruoming Jin, Jiashuai Zhou, Tengjiao Wang, and Dongqing Yang: "Neighborhood-Privacy Protected Shortest Distance Computing in Cloud", in Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD11) , 2011.
Bingsheng He and Jeffrey Xu Yu: "High-Throughput Transaction Executions on Graphics Processors", Vol. 4, No. 5, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) , 2011.
Shaoxu Song, Lei Chen, and Jeffrey Xu Yu: "Answering Frequent Probabilistic Inference Queries in Databases", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2011.
Lu Qin, Jeffrey Xu Yu, and Lijun Chang: "Computing structural statistics by keywords in databases", in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE11), 2011.
Hong Cheng, Yang Zhou, and Jeffrey Xu Yu: "Clustering Large Attributed Graphs: A Balance between Structural and Attribute Similarities", ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011.
Lu Qin, Jeffrey Xu Yu, and Lijun Chang: "Scalable Keyword Search on Large Data Streams", VLDB Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2011.
曾在超过280个机构、会议中任职,包括PC Co-chair of APWeb’04, WAIM’06, APWeb/WAIM’07, WISE’09, PAKDD’10, DASFAA’11, ICDM’12, and NDBC’13, and Conference Co-chair of APWeb’13等
2007—2011:ACM SIGMOD Information Director及执行委员会成员;
2004—2008:IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering associate editor;
于旭教授为VLDB Journal, WWW Journal, the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, the Journal of Information Processing, and Journal on Health Information Science and Systems等associate editor 。